Greenhead (top) & Bluehead Australian Spotted Ducks On One Of Our Ponds


Pick-Up Orders


MATURE BIRDS AND HATCHLINGS can be picked up at the farm by appointment only. We are closed Sundays, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

MATURE BIRDS:  Appointments for picking up adult birds should be made at least a day prior to pick-up. The main adult bird sale season is June through February or until we are sold out.  Mature stock is sometimes available other times of the year.  Contact us with your needs.  Unless arrangements are made otherwise, bring a  container of suitable size for transporting your adult bird purchases.  Pet carriers are well ventilated and are excellent for carrying your birds home.  Cardboard boxes with plenty of ventilation holes also work.  To provide good footing, bed containers with a layer of straw, hay or sawdust. During hot weather,  mature birds should be transported in the cooler parts of the day.

DUCKLINGS AND GOSLINGS:  Most duckling and gosling orders are scheduled for Wednesday pick-up, but the day can vary with any given hatch.  Please note:  if you plan to pickup your ducklings/goslings, you need to be able to pick them up within 24 hours of being notified that your hatchlings are ready for you.  There is a $5 pickup fee for hatchlings.   We provide containers for the transportation of day-olds. Most duckling and gosling orders are booked well in advance of their hatch date, but we can occasionally fill last-minute requests.


Copyright 2007 Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center