Yearling Tufted Roman
gander has the rosy-pink bill and legs desired in this breed. (Keep in
mind that the Tufted Roman and the Plain Headed Romans are probably two
distinct breeds despite the similarity of their names.)
10-Week-Old Tufted Roman Female
Juvenile Tufted Roman females often
have a significant amount of gray color in their plumage, as illustrated
here. Most of them will be pure white by the time they are 16
months old. This young female also has an orange bill and orange
feet. While orange extremities are less desirable than pink in
this breed, we keep a few in order to maintain greater genetic
Day-old Tufted Romans Females
This photo shows some of the variations in
the down color of female White Tufted Roman goslings. (The goslings on the right is pictured above at 10 weeks of age.)
Freshly Hatched White Tufted Roman Pair (the slightly darker female is on the left, male on right)
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